Start and finish working with the system

To become an external user of the system, fill-in the user registration application, available in Tax e-Filing system's website. The process of external user's registration is described below and illustrated in Figure 3:

   The instructions how to fill and submit an application to become an external user are presented in chapter 2.1 Request for an external user account.

   After submission of application is done, user account is created. The state of account is “Requested”. You will be asked to confirm your e-mail. Detailed process of e-mail confirmation is described in chapter 2.2 Confirm e-mail.

   After successful confirmation, user account turns into state “Waiting for approval”.

   System administrator will compare submitted data with the data in the attached personal document and with data of the taxpayer stored in SIGTAS.

  If submitted data is acceptable, administrator approves the user account. User account turns in to state “Active”. System sends an e-mail message informing the applicant about approved registration. User can login to the system.

  In case of rejected registration user state is set to “Rejected”. System sends an e-mail message with the reason of the rejection. To become an external user you should start from the beginning.

Figure 3           External user registration process in case of approval

Chapters 2.3 Log in to the Tax e-Filing system and 2.8. Log-off the Tax e-Filing system provides instructions how to log in to the system and log off, also the description of system's main page. If you forgot your password, you can recover your password one, using instructions, given in chapter 2.6. Reset a password.

During different periods of a time user can be in different states. All states of e-user are described in the Table 4.

Table 4   User account states




A new external user account is created and waiting for the e-mail confirmation. Only external user can be in this state.

Waiting for approval

An external user account is waiting for administrator's approval. Only external user can be in this state.


E-user is created (internal users or other governmental employee) and approved (only external user, created by filling in an application, needs approval). E-user in this state can log-in to system and use the functionality of the system.


Registration of a new external user was rejected by IRD administrator.


The user was locked after 4 attempts to log-in to the system with the wrong password. The administrator can activate this user again.


The user was deactivated by administrator. Administrator can activate user again or delete it.


User was deleted by the administrator.