Confirm e-mail

There are two cases, when Tax e-Filing system will send an e-mail message using the submitted e-mail address asking to confirm it:

   When you apply for becoming an external user.

   When you are already an external user and want to change your e-mail address.

Follow these steps for e-mail confirmation:

1. Open your e-mail box, specified in your user account.

2. Open the e-mail message.

3. Click on the link in the message. Your default browser opens system's window with a message: “Your email was successfully confirmed”. The system receives special message verifying that e-mail address corresponds with your external user account.

4. If you confirmed e-mail to change your account e-mail address, all e-mail messages from the system will be delivered to the confirmed e-mail.

5. If you confirmed e-mail to create a new user account, the state of your user account is set to Waiting for approval.

Now an administrator of the system must make a decision:

   If administrator approves application, the state of your user account will be set to Active.

   If administrator rejects application, the state of your user account will be set to Rejected.

An e-mail message will be sent to you informing about administrator's decision. In case of approval e-mail message includes user name. In case of rejection - the reason of rejection is included in the e-mail message.