View data of the payment order

Follow next steps, to view data of the payment order:

1. Search for a particular payment order (see chapter 6.1 Payment order).

2. Select a particular payment order and click [View] next to it. The system displays payment order data in read-only mode (see Figure 48). Here you can see:

2.1. General data about payment order and a taxpayer.

2.2. A list of payment order items.

2.3. A list of executed payment transactions.

3. There you can find three buttons:

3.1. Click [Print payment receipt] to print payment receipt (For more details see chapter 6.10. Print the payment receipt).

3.2. Click [Print payment order] to print payment order (For more details see chapter 6.9. Print the payment order).

3.3. Click [Back] to go back to the list of payment orders.

Figure 48         Data of payment order