Payment order search

In payment order list, payment orders are shown. You can search for a particular payment order using search criteria. Follow these steps to perform a search of payment order:

1. Click menu “Payment orders → Payment order search”. A list of payment orders except Deleted is opened.

2. Enter search criteria (see Figure 47):

2.1. {Payment order number} should be entered whole – a part of it will not give a result.

2.2. Select {State}. Default value of this parameter is ‘All except deleted’.

2.3. Select {Tax type} and {Payment method}.

2.4. Choose values for {Preparation period}.

3. Click [Search]. Records, that match selected criteria is presented in the list. If there are entered several search criteria, system searches for the records that matches all of them. By default filter field {State} value is “All except deleted”. If this field value was not changed, the search results do not include deleted payment order records.

A table of search result can be ordered by any column. For example, to order records in ascending order by column {Date and time of the state change} click one time on the header of it. To order by the same column in descending order, click the header of the column one more time. A small triangle showing the type of ordering appears near the name of the column:

   Ascending ordering - User search - oreder asc.png;

   Descending ordering - User search - oreder desc.png.

Figure 47         Filter of payment order