Choose to operate on behalf of another taxpayer

Follow these steps to choose to operate on behalf of another taxpayer:

1. Open a list of represented taxpayers. This can be done in 2 ways:

1.1. Select menu “Representation → Represented taxpayer”.

1.2. Click [Change] in the right top corner of the screen. (Button [View] functionality is described in the chapter 4.2 View representation details).

2. Select particular representative and click the button [Select] next to it. Now you are operating on behalf of the selected taxpayer. This is visible in information line, where you can see in formation about who you are representing at the moment (see Figure 33). Note.  When you operate on behalf of another taxpayer, representation’s line color changes to yellow. And if you select to represent yourself again, representation line will be white again. Menu blocks “Representation” and “User administration” with your data will be shown even when you operate on behalf of another taxpayer).

Figure 33         Information lines with information about current representation

3. To choose to represent yourself repeat all steps from the beginning. In step 2 select yourself as a represented taxpayer.

Figure 34         A list of represented taxpayers