Only approved initial registration can be amended. To amend registration data follow these steps:
1. Select menu “Taxpayer → current view”. The current view of your registration data is opened (see Figure 15).
2. Choose a registration you want to amend and click button [Amend data].
3. Registration data is displayed in a filler form (see Figure 19). Registration form buttons and navigation is described in Figure 70.
4. Change registration data.
5. Add mandatory attachments, if any, and prepare data for submission:
5.1. To save the changed
data click button [ ] (Save).
5.2. Click button [Attachments], to upload required attachments. This button is visible only if this form has any attachment types assigned. Detailed instructions how to upload attachments are given online in a filler help.
5.3.1. If there are any errors or warnings found, the system displays them in an errors’/warnings’ window. Click on the particular error/warning to be redirected to the related data field.
6. If all data is valid and correct click button [Submit]. If you’ve escaped step 5.3 validation is done automatically. And you have to correct incorrect data according error messages.
7. After successful submission registration state is set to Submitted and processing. The registration record can be found in a list of registration forms history (see 3.6 View registration forms history).
8. When a decision is made to amended registration form, the system sends you an e-mail and an information message informing about:
8.1. Approval. In this case registration’s state is set to Approved. New approved data is shown in a current view of registration forms.
8.2. Or rejection. In this case rejection reason is included into e-mail and information message. Registration state is set to Rejected. Current view of registration is not changed.